Digital workshop with Dr. Ruella Frank on 4-5 april 2025.

An aesthetic and phenomenological diagnosis of contacting: The Six Fundamental Movements

In this workshop, participants are introduced to a precise phenomenological language for those subverbal interactions that form the foundation of lived-experience; the Six Fundamental Movements. These patterns emerge through ongoing movement dialogues within the first year of the infant-parent dyad, and are seen to have a functional similarity in the making of meaning within the patient-therapist dyad.

The analysis of these movements, unfolding within therapy, enables therapists to uncover routine inhibitions in contacting, appreciate their important function in the immediate present, and discover how to restore the lively flow to lived experience.

It will be clear how the making and shaping of experience is a creative transaction between oneself and the world of others as intentionality is seen and felt moving through time and space.

lecture, movement experiments, therapy demonstrations

Ruella Frank, PhD., has been exploring infant movement patterns and their relationship to the adult since the mid-1970s. She is founder and director of the Center for Somatic Studies, Fellow at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, guest professor at Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy, adjunct faculty at Gestalt Institute of Toronto, and teaches throughout the United States, Europe, East Asia, Latin America, and Canada. Ruella has authored chapters in various publications as well as the book Body of Awareness: A Somatic and Developmental Approach to Psychotherapy, (GestaltPress, 2001, available in four languages), and co-authored the book The First Year and The Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development and Psychotherapeutic Change, (Routledge Press, 2010, available in three languages), and The Bodily Roots of Experience in Psychotherapy, (Routedge Press, 2022, available in seven languages).

Practical information:

Price: 370 dollar / 3950 NOK

Time and dates:

On 4-april 2025 , time: 2 p.m CET to 8 p.m CET (Norwegian time) and 8 a.m -2 p.m ET.

On 5-april 2025 , time: 2 p.m CET to 8 p.m CET (Norwegian time) and 8 a.m -2 p.m ET.

Digital workshop: plattform Teams.

Payment and registration for participans living in Norway: Digital workshop with Dr. Ruella Frank – 04.04-05.04.2025 | Norsk Gestaltinstitutt Høyskole | Kjøp billetter | Hoopla

Payment and registration for participants living in other countries:

Send email to for payment and registration. Link to Teams will be sent after registration and payment.